Łuechok Túe Denesųłiné / CLFN Lands Plan
Łuechok Túe Denesųłiné / CLFN Lands Plan
We are developing a plan for our Reserve Lands. The “Reserve Lands Plan” will allow us to decide how the Nations’ vision, “Empowerment; Improved Quality of Life: and Self-Sufficiency”, can be supported through the future use of land and development on Reserve.
Cold Lake First Nations will lead the creation of the plan, and there will be many opportunities for Members to share their ideas. Community input will allow Chief and Council to adopt a plan that is supported by Nation Members. Stay tuned to this website for information on how to participate.
Planning Process
• How are we developing the Lands Plan?
• What is the process timeline?
Opportunities & Issues
• What are the key topics the Lands Plan must address?
• What to think about as we plan for the future of our Reserve Lands?
Get Involved
• How can you get involved?
• What community input opportunities are currently underway?
Learn More
• What is a “Lands Plan”?
• Why are we developing a Lands Plan?
• Other Common Questions
Our Lands Plan will be created with participation from our Members so that the Plan reflects and respects our values and needs. Combining technical work with our Members’ knowledge, values and ideas, the Lands Plan will allow us to have more direction over the use of our Lands in the future.
Phase 1 - Project Start-Up and Background Work
- Create a Advisory Committee
- Technical work, research and preparation for community participation
- Launch the planning process and raise awareness of the project
Phase 2 - Community Visioning
- Community participation starts: Survey and roadshow to gather ideas and learn about issues
- Gather and review results of community participation opportunities
Phase 3 - Draft CLFN Lands Plan
- Develop the draft Lands Plan that reflects the results of community participation in Phase 2
- Community participation to review the draft Plan – check in with Members to make sure the Plan reflects community priorities
Phase 4 - Finalize the Lands Plan
- Create an “Action Plan” to show how the Plan will be applied
- Community event to celebrate the final Lands Plan
- Chief and Council adopt the Plan as a bylaw
Cold Lake First Nations is starting a planning process to determine the future of our Reserve lands. The four-phase process will involve Nation Members to ensure the Plan reflects our Members’ vision for the future. The process will seek to answer questions such as:
- What does the future of Cold Lake First Nations Reserve Lands look like?
- What is happening on Reserve Land that bothers you?
- What is important to you about Reserve Lands and why?
- Which lands should be protected and where should future homes go?
The project includes research and technical analysis and focuses on community involvement to ensure a community-supported plan is developed.
To have a Lands Plan that reflects the values and priorities of the Nation, we need everyone to participate in the process!
There will be many ways to provide your input. You can start by letting people you know that we have launched the planning process.
What is happening on Reserve land today that bothers you? How can we protect our land for our children and grand-children? Where should future housing go? These are some of the questions that we will be asking Members during the Lands Plan Project.
How can you get involved in the Lands Plan?
Our first round of community engagement on the Lands Plan took place in June 2018. Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities to get involved in the next phase of the planning process.
Have something you think we should know?
We want to hear from you.
Email any comments to
There are many topics in a Lands Plan. We are looking for your input on all of them. Housing is one such topic. Where is housing located on Reserve? Where should future housing go? What are the issues with housing on Reserve?
We want Members to understand the process and feel comfortable sharing meaningful input during the planning process. It is our job to provide Members with information about our Lands Plan process to make is easier for you to get involved.
What the Lands Plan will address:
- Housing
- Commercial Lands (shops, tourism, offices)
- Industrial Lands
- Protected Lands (streams, cultural sites)
- Agricultural Lands
- Recreation/Park Lands
- Community Facilities
What is a Lands Plan?
A Lands Plan is a guide for future growth and development on our Reserve lands. It provides direction for what types of land uses are acceptable, where land uses should happen (for example: housing) and where they should not.
It is a tool for setting out a long-term vision for our lands to ensure we make good decisions, especially when others show interest in building on our land.
It is a plan that helps us understand land use issues and opportunities on Reserve from the viewpoint of our Members.
Reserve lands planning results in the development of a plan with:
· Goals and objectives for land use
· Policies/actions for how the objectives will be met
· Maps to identify existing and future land uses as well as other activities (i.e., sewer lines, oil wells, sensitive habitats, etc.).
Why are we developing the Lands Plan?
A clear Lands Plan will help us make more informed, consistent decisions about how we use and protect our land in the future. Without an Lands Plan, it is difficult to enforce our wishes for our land on other government agencies and developers. With a plan we can clearly identify where it is appropriate to build and which areas we want to protect for future generations. The Plan becomes our governing document and can help us avoid unsuitable land uses side by side.
How is the planning process being funded?
Funding has been secured from Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) that allows us to develop a land use plan for our Reserve lands. This project and funding are NOT part of INAC’s Land Management Regime.
We submitted a funding proposal to INAC on November 4, 2016 for a Lands Plan and the project was approved on December 28, 2016.
Why is it important to have a Lands Plan?
Without a Lands Plan, it is harder to make good decisions about how we use our land and what we allow others to do on our land.
For example, without a Lands Plan, someone could build a home in an area that floods. We can map our flood plains to make sure that we discourage the building of homes in these areas.
Without a Lands Plan, it is harder to lobby for our land use rights at a Regional or Provincial level. With a Plan, we can say that we have clear goals and policies relating to how we want to use our land and what we will not allow on our land.
Without a Lands Plan, Chief and Council decision-making may not be consistent. With written goals and policies about what is acceptable and unacceptable on Reserve Lands, better and more consistent decisions can be made.
Without a Lands Plan, we cannot give developers interested in building on our land clear direction as to where they can and cannot build. We may be missing good opportunities if we cannot be clear with potential developers. Also, by allowing developers to build anywhere on Reserve Lands we could be allowing land uses that are not compatible to happen side by side. (For example: a factory beside a school building)
What is the difference between a Lands Plan and a Comprehensive Community Plan?
A Comprehensive Community Plan is a higher level governing document that contains a section on land use. It also covers other topics such as health, culture, environment, governance and social development. The Lands Plan focuses specifically and in detail on reserve lands and resources.
Other topics within a CCP, in addition to land use, are health, culture, environment, governance, social development etc.
Why is important that Members participate in the planning process and provide input?
Everyone has a role to play in the stewardship of our land. Land use planning is important for deciding how CLFN’s land base will be used in the future. The plan will help us to better balance resource use with creating/sustaining a livelihood for our Members.
We want everyone in the community to be involved in creating a vision for the future of our lands. The Plan belongs to the people and your participation will mean the Plan will reflect your values and priorities for our Reserve Lands.
A Lands Plan takes many months to create. There is information to gather and study to make sure the Plan meets the needs of Members and that it becomes realistic guide for future land use on Reserve.
See below for general timelines for the project and when community participation opportunities are roughly planned.
Community planning processes change from time to time. Stay tuned to this page, our Facebook page, posters around the community and the CLFN newsletter for up to date information about the process and opportunities to share your thoughts.
The first phase of engagement for the CLFN Lands Plan Project is now complete!
Through a series of community engagement sessions and a survey, the project team gathered input from community members and summarized it into several key themes. Check out the Community Engagement Summary Report below, and stay tuned for future project updates in the newsletter, on Facebook and here, on the Lands Plan web page.