Denesųłiné Yatíe (Language) chu (and) Ch’ąníe (Culture)
Language and Culture
“Sekwi t’ąhi ʔąłu ghedełi beba”
“Yedariyihe Łuéchok Túé Denesųłįné neją nuh k’e ninuxįnila nit’a ełk’esį nuhnéné k’e xąk’ahuldu, hok’esoridliʔu, eyi hot’a sehoʔą. Nuhxeyatíe u, nuhch’aníe u, t’ąt’u eghasoredi bes’udi xa yąnįsįʔu, duhų, xeł tth’i yąnathe t’ahots’ęn hots’ęn Denesųłįné dahidlį. Ekohuʔą sį hok’etł’a hule hots’en”.
“…For the Unborn Children Travelling Towards us”
“The Creator placed us, the Cold Lake First Nations Denesųłįnę, on this land to freely govern ourselves with equality, respect, honor, and harmony. And to uphold and maintain our Denesųłįné language, culture, and beliefs like the past, for the present, and for the future generations to come. That’s the way things are until there is no tomorrow.”
What we do for the Nation:
- Teach Denesųłiné to staff and community members
- Do translations
- Create and develop Denesųłiné curriculum
- Make presentations on various aspects of our culture
- Teach children and adults through land-based education
- Implement culture camps
- Work with Elders on various language projects
- Attend Language Conferences and make presentations
- Volunteer at Nation events such as: Treaty Days, Heritage Days, etc.
- Apply for grants for Cultural Programming
- Provide opportunities for members to work in our camps
- Helped create Bachelor of Arts in Denesųłiné at University Nuhelot’ine Thaʔe Hots’į Nistameyimâkanak Blue Quills
- Provide cultural programming for LeGoff School, Catholic and Public Schools, and the community
Why we are here:
- Out of approximately 4000 people on Cold Lake First Nations, 70 people can understand and speak Denesųłiné.
- Our long range goal is to create speakers, and to re-establish Denesųłiné as the first language on Cold Lake First Nations.
Contact Us
Cold Lake First Nations Administration
P.O. Box 1769 | Cold Lake, AB | T9M 1P4
Phone: 780-594-7183 | Fax: 780-594-3577
Cold Lake First Nations Health Center
Box 8100| Cold Lake, AB | T9M 1N1
Phone: 780-594-2473
Confidential Fax: 587-840-6336
Please Download our Denesųłįné language app