Attention: Cold Lake First Nations Members, RE: Roadwork

Attention: Cold Lake First Nations Members
CLFN has been, and will be conducting roadwork throughout 149, 149A and 149B. Currently we are on phase II of a 2 year, 2 phase process. It is our intention to improve all CLFN roads, driveways, ditches and culverts. This 2 year plan is in response to the requests of our members, as well as the 2017 State of Emergency that was declared. CLFN has attained grants from our Federal and Provincial counterparts to complete these road repairs. Last year, we were able to complete approximately 25% of the roads. It is our objective to complete the remaining 75% this year. If there are any repairs that are not completed by year end, they will be completed by the spring of 2019.  *This work has nothing to do with oil development. It is for the betterment of CLFN roads*. If you have any questions regarding construction scheduling, please contact Nathan Jacknife at 780-404-7354 or
Thank you for patience.