Long-term Environmentally Responsible Economic Growth.
Economic Development
Cold Lake First Nations (CLFN) Economic Development Department strives to improve the quality of life for CLFN members, families, and our community by creating new businesses, enhancing existing businesses and supporting long-term environmentally responsible economic growth for CLFN and all companies doing business within our traditional territory.
We are responsible for the planning and oversight of economic development activities for CLFN. This includes developing strategies, implementing plans, and working with Nation-owned enterprises including Primco Dené managed businesses to ensure they are providing economic value to the Nation and creating jobs for members.
Our Economic Development group strives to implement and maintain business models that protect our valuable land resources. We maintain excellent codes of corporate conduct with our existing corporate affiliates, and also with all of our Nation’s economic stakeholders and partners.
Department Purpose
- Increase economic opportunities for Nation members including employment and entrepreneurship.
- Ensure Nation has a strong economic development plan and governance structures in place.
- Improve the economic health of the Nation through the development and management of strong businesses.
Goals and Objectives
Infrastructure Development:
Support Capital Management with specific initiatives such as waterline negotiations and planning to ensure that the Nation has adequate infrastructure resources.
Skills Development:
Working with the Department of Employment and Training to ensure that skills development programming is for jobs that are in demand, especially Nation owned enterprises.
Economic Development Planning:
Ensure that CLFN has a strong economic development plan in place that provides a roadmap to economic prosperity for the community.
Business Retention and Expansion:
Working with Nation-owned businesses to ensure they are able to operate and grow, and identifying new business opportunities for the Nation to pursue.
Economic Development Governance:
Developing structures and frameworks to ensure that economic development for the Nation is consistently and effectively managed in a professional manner without interference.
Accessing Resources:
Identifying funding sources and accessing funding for economic development priorities.
Business Development for Nation:
Review and assess business opportunities for the Nation and conduct business development work for Nation owned businesses such as negotiating implementation of impact-benefit agreements and executing contracts.
Due Diligence Support:
Primco Group requires due-diligence support when screening to determine whether a new business opportunity should be pursued.
Livelihood for Livelihood:
Program to ensure preservation of lands and ensure that members benefit if non-members are benefiting from the use of CLFN land.
General Funding Management:
Management of proposal driven economic development funding grants with the province and the federal government.
Joint Management Action:
Review consultation and business performance at the same time once per year.
Strategic Economic Development Plan:
The completion and implementation of the Strategic Economic Development Plan for CLFN including the development of long-term sustainability goals.
Establishing Business Trust:
Establishing a business trust with adequate governance structures in place, financial and operational reporting framework, etc.
Environmental Monitoring Program:
Tourism Strategy:
Developing a tourism strategy to increase demand for hotel and other Nation owned businesses.
Nu’ Chanie Renewable Energy Projects:
Climate Leadership Programming:
Manage feasibility funding for renewable energy park using provincial Indigenous Climate Leadership plan.
Did you know that Cold Lake First Nation Economic Development has a Business Grant Program?
The program is designed to provide supplemental financing for community members who require additional financial assistance to start their own business or alternatively, for existing businesses to expand their services. Eligible expenses include operational costs, asset acquisition, loan leveraging and financing.
Applicants must be able to demonstrate the viability of their business venture and their ability to become self-sustainable. A maximum allocation amount of $3500 is available for applicants who meet the eligibility criteria. For more information on the criteria for the business grant program or if you are looking for support in business planning, please contact
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