Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment services
Dene Wellness & NNADAP
Dene Wellness offers mental health and substance abuse treatment services to the CLFN members and limited programming for those persons residing on-reserve who are not members.
There are a number of programs operating out of the Dene Wellness Department. We can assist with mental health, addictions, alcohol & drug abuse, solvent abuse and suicide prevention strategies.
We are here to help.
Call us to see how we can help you.
Dene Wellness Building
PO Box 1769, Cold Lake AB T9M 1P4
Phone: 780-594-1471
Fax: 780-594-1499
Programs and Services
- Mental Health Therapy
- Addictions Counselling
- National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program
- Youth Solvent Abuse Program
- National Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy