Cold Lake First Nations Launches New Dene Laws Project With Wisdom Workshop

Janelle Charland sharing words to start Day 2 of the Wisdom Workshop alongside Hadley Friedland, a co-lead of the Wahkohtowin Indigenous Law and Governance Lodge at the Treaty Grounds on August 17, 2021.

On August 16 and 17, the Wahkohtowin Law and Governance Lodge and 20+ CLFN members engaged in a Wisdom Workshop at the Treaty Grounds and English Bay Centre. The Wisdom Workshop is one part of the Cold Lake Dene Laws Project. The Project is a three-year project specific to CLFN that is funded by the Department of Justice at the Government of Canada to meet TRC Call to Action 50 about revitalizing Indigenous Laws. The project was approved in May, kicked off in August, and is expected to continue until May 2024. At the Wisdom Workshop, each participant was asked about good ways to move forward with the project and how they want to see law development happening, what outcomes they want from law development, and what roles and responsibilities need to be involved in the Dene legal process.

Janelle Charland is currently the CLFN researcher and is working with the Wahkohtowin Law and Governance Lodge to gather wisdom from CLFN members so the project can move forward in a good way and be meaningful for CLFN members. A report will be compiled from the Wisdom Workshop and shared with CLFN members.

This project is just beginning and there will be lots of ways to get involved. We want to hear ideas from you! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact Janelle Charland at 780-201-3679.