This is an update on the status of the Cold Lake First Nations (“Cold Lake”) Agricultural Benefits Specific Claim. This type of claim is also referred to as “Cows and Plows”.
Early review of the Treaty 6 Agricultural Benefits claim submission, which was received from Cold Lake First Nations on May 11, 2021, has been completed. It has been determined that the claim submission meets the Minimum Standard established by the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations pursuant to the Specific Claims Tribunal Act and which is set out in the Specific Claims Policy and Process Guide. The claim was filed with the Minister on February 01, 2022.
This claim will now be filed with the Minister and will enter the Assessment Period. Canada may take up to 3 years to review the Submission and assess whether to accept it for negotiations. If the Claim is accepted for negotiations, Cold Lake will be invited to enter into negotiations with Canada. If the Claim is rejected, Cold Lake will have the option to take the Claim to the Specific Claims Tribunal for a determination of the Claim’s validity and/or compensation value.
During this period, we will provide more information as it becomes available.