Advisory Committees and Field Visit Open Call

Media Release Posts: Call for Candidates: Advisory Groups and Field visits   Cold Lake First Nations’ Lands and Resources Department is seeking enthusiastic and knowledgeable CLFN members who care about their Community, the Land, and Treaty and Indigenous rights...

CLFNS Access to Imperial’s Cold Lake Lease

The Lands and Resources Department is aware of access issues in the Imperial Lease. All CLFN members are permitted to access the lease at any time for activities including hunting and other cultural land uses. The lease is outlined in black on the map below. If you...

Information from Imperial on Landfill and Lagoon Management

Imperial is sharing information regarding management of landfill and lagoons at the Cold Lake Operation, following an inquiry made by Cold Lake First Nations (CLFN). This information includes recent data samples that show increasing trends in chloride concentrations...

Drilling Rig Move

Notice to Community Drilling Rig Activity I.R. 149 Please be advised that a drilling rig will be moving on to I.R. 149 (“Le Goff”) early next week, most likely on Monday, June 5, to an existing well pad at 06-15-061-02W4M. The rig will enter the south side of I.R. 149...
Notice to Membership

Notice to Membership

Please be advised that Chief and Council has learned of concerning groundwater contamination in our traditional lands. The groundwater contamination is present in the following locations: – Section 23 – Township 66 – Range 3 – W4M – Section 33 – Township...

Access Committee Open Call for Candidates

Cold Lake First Nations’ Lands and Resources Department is seeking enthusiastic and knowledgeable CLFN members who care about their Community, the Land, and, their Treaty and Indigenous rights to sit on an advisory group called the  Access Committee.  The Access...